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How to Build Mental Resilience / Building Mental Resilience

E-course - Complete at your own pace

Do you want to learn how to become more mentally resilient? If so, this is the course for you!

What you'll learn...

  • How to build up your mental resilience

  • Stress & how it's personal to us

  • Developing mental & emotional resilience

  • Understanding mental health

  • An overview of mental health

  • What are emotions?

  • Burnout & it's effects

  • Beliefs & how they affect how we live

In this course we will take a deep dive into mental resilience, including what it means to be resilient, and how we can practice becoming more resilient.

It's also perfect for those who care for others and would like to help them become more mentally resilient.

We will start by discussing mental health and we'll see what a broad area that covers.

Then we'll go on to understand mental health and emotions. After introducing these important topics we'll go on to look at emotional resilience and stress.

Here, we'll take some time to look at what's in our stress box, and what we do personally to cope on a day-to-day basis. We'll look at burnout and it's effects, then go on to developing mental resilience, finishing off by looking at beliefs and their effects on our lives.

Who this course is for:

  • Anyone looking to build up their own mental resilience

  • Anyone who cares for others and would like to help them build their mental resilience

  • Anyone within caring professions

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